Willard Carroll Smith Sr.: Whatever Became Of His Son Will Smith’s Father?

Will Smith: I toyed with the thought of killing my father in order to “avenge” my mother for the way he treated her.

Will Smith claims that there was a point in his life when he seriously considered killing his father in order to “avenge” his mother for the cruelty she endured at the hands of his father.

Willard Carroll Smith Jr. discusses the turbulent environment of his early life in Philadelphia with his father, Willard Carroll Smith Sr., and his mother, Caroline Bright, in an excerpt from his new memoir titled “Me,” which was published on People. Smith Jr.’s memoir is titled “Me.” People published the excerpt. He also highlights the ways in which this setting influenced his subsequent life, namely the relationship he had with his father while the senior man was undergoing treatment for cancer.

Smith, who is currently 53 years old, recalls saying that his father was violent, but that he also attended every game, performance, and recital that his children were involved in. “I didn’t have to worry about him getting drunk at any of the premieres of my films, despite the fact that he was an alcoholic,” the speaker says. “He never did.” He went through all of the albums in his collection and played them all. He was seen working in each and every studio.

Continuing, he says, “When I was nine years old, I witnessed my father slap my mother in the side of the head so forcefully that she passed out.” I was there to see it and bear witness to it.” I was present when she sputtered blood. In the year 2000, the pair officially separated and divorced after being together since Smith was a young child.

The relationship between Smith and his father reached a new low at the time that Smith was providing care for his father in the final stages of his father’s life, which was very difficult for Smith. “It was late in the evening when I carefully wheeled him from his bedroom to the restroom, and at that very time, a shadow descended over me.” The passageway that connects the two chambers passes above the crest of the stairs on its ascent. When I was a child, I always told myself that one day I would make up for the wrongs done to my mother.

In his essay, Smith portrays the ominous moment as going somewhat like this: “I hesitated at the top of the steps.” I was able to take him down by force and get away with it with quite little difficulty. I shook my head as decades’ worth of anguish, rage, and wrath rushed through me and then receded, and then I started wheeling Daddio to the restroom in the wheelchair.

The death of Smith’s father occurred in the year 2016. Can draws a conclusion in his book after reflecting on his decades-long career as a comedian as well as his connection with his father, which is that “There is nothing that you can gain from the material world that will bring inner serenity or fulfillment.”

“In the end, it will not matter one iota how well [people] loved you. The only thing that will determine whether or not you gain ‘the Smile’ is how well you loved them,”

The intimate particulars of Smith’s personal life have become public knowledge to a larger extent than they ever have been before in the past. He has been speaking publicly about the inner workings of his open marriage with his wife Jada Pinkett, revealing in September that his own personal conception of polyamory at one point was “a harem of girlfriends,” including Halle Berry and Misty Copeland.

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He has been doing this as he has been airing the inner workings of his open marriage. Recently, he has confessed that he had thoughts of suicide while he was filming a YouTube series about getting in shape and losing weight. He has also been speaking publicly about the dynamics of the open marriage he has with his wife Jada Pinkett.

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