What happens in the solar system when the sun dies?
The sun is heading for destruction, but this event is still a long way off. According to experts, it is about 5 billion years old. Little by little, The sun will go without power This will drastically change the solar system. Our star is powered by nuclear fusion and converts hydrogen into helium, which converts mass into energy. When the fuel supply is complete, the sun Will begin to grow dramatically. Its outer layers extend over much of the solar system, which astronomers call red giants.
What happens to the planets when the sun enters the red giant phase? There is the effect of the solar system A topic of discussion Among scientists. This is not yet known exactly How much the dying sun will expand And how conditions will change. But some things are more likely.
Slow death will end life on our planet. It may take 5 billion years for the sun to run out of fuel, that is Life on earth will soon disappear. This is because the sun is already shining and the solar radiation is expected to intensify so much that it is too much for life on Earth.
When the sun turns into a red giant, The earth also evaporates, Probably a few million years after Mercury and Venus were consumed. All the rocks, fossils and remnants of the creatures that lived here would be swallowed up by the rolling orbit of the sun, destroying any trace of humanity on earth.
Mercury, Venus and Mars
The first planets to disappear are Mercury and Venus, which will certainly do before Earth. There is not much doubt in this. Then our planet will continue. But scientists Give Mars a chance, Because it is in range and some theories claim that it can escape from the true range of the sun, although radiation can affect it.
Gas planets
As our red giant sun submerges the inner planets, some of its objects will be thrown deep into the solar system The gas was integrated into the bodies of the giants. However, Saturn’s favorite rings made of ice near the boundary of our star are vapor. The same fate awaits today’s icy ocean worlds, namely Jupiter’s moon Europa and Saturn’s Enceladus, whose thick layers will be lost in the vacuum.
Living areas
As our sun turns into a red giant, Pluto and its relatives in the Khyber belt, and Neptune’s moon Triton The most valuable real estate in the solar system. Today, there is plenty of ice water and complex organic matter in this world. Some of them may have seas beneath frozen surfaces. But the surface temperatures of dwarf planets like Pluto are usually in the hundreds of degrees below zero.
But when the Earth is an ash, Pluto will have a thick atmosphere and a surface of liquid water. Like the temperature of our own planet Any man around now can take refuge in that world.
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