The James Webb Space Telescope can detect life within 3 days

The web telescope weighs six tons and when folded its dimensions are 10.5 meters high and 4.5 meters wide (EFE).
The web telescope weighs six tons and when folded its dimensions are 10.5 meters high and 4.5 meters wide (EFE).

Now that The NASA’s James Webb Space Telescope Arrived safely at its launch site in French Guiana (on the northeast coast of South America). The technical teams are finalizing a final checklist for the preparation of pre-departure products to take place later this year. These arrangements are expected to last 55 days, from the arrival of the observation station on board to the day of launch.

After coming to the installation of Webb ArianeSpace Cleanroom in French Guiana, Pollution control technicians, after its nearly 9,500-kilometer journey, ensured that the monitoring room was clean and free of contaminants. Engineers then conducted a final set of electrical and functional tests, and checked the folded mechanical system to ensure that the distribution took place smoothly.

A team equipped with special Hasmat suits will begin the two-week process, in which the spacecraft will be charged with fuel: hydrogen and oxidized nitrogen tetroxide, which will be used as impetus to maintain its orbit. Next, go to the Web Vehicle Integration Building to load it on top of the Ariane 5 rocket. Then the rocket fairing will be placed. At this point, the web is almost ready to launch from Europe’s space base, also known as the Guyana Space Center (CSG).

JWST launches December 18, 2021 (NASA)
JWST launches December 18, 2021 (NASA)

The fact that Earth is the only living planet in our solar system has prompted scientists to explore other systems for possible signs of life.. Despite great technological advances, scientists have not been able to observe planets in other galaxies and have not yet determined the chemical composition of their atmospheres.

The The James Web Space Telescope (JWST) is capable of viewing asteroids light years away from Earth. It can scan their atmosphere for living gases. That’s probably the most incredible thing This information can be collected in just 60 hours.

“What amazed me was that I could realistically detect signs of life on other planets in the next five to ten years,” said Caprice Phillips of Ohio State University. Including the countdown to confirm the telescope’s ability to detect life. NASA has a public mission monitoring platform that brings together the various investigations that the project team has developed since its inception.

The James Webb Telescope will depart from French Guiana in December (Europe Press)
The James Webb Telescope will depart from French Guiana in December (Europe Press)

Using data provided by previous orbits, It was predicted that JWST could detect ammonia in the atmosphere of gaseous extraterrestrials, all of which orbit a few times.. Phillips, along with his colleagues, put together a list of planets that observe the signs of life on the JWST telescope.

JWST will launch on December 18, 2021. It orbits six specific asteroids, including the dwarf planet K2-18B. These gas planets are larger than Earth, but they may have the potential to support life. K2-18B, in particular, has been shown to have temperatures that support water and life.

When the web leaves, After 206 seconds of flight, at an altitude of about 120 km above the atmosphere, the two parts of the rocket firing that protect the laboratory during takeoff are separated by the pyrotechnic system of the springs, exposing the laboratory to space..

The telescope is named in memory of James Webb, who died in 1992 as the leader of the Apollo program in the late 1960s.
The telescope is named in memory of James Webb, who died in 1992 as the leader of the Apollo program in the late 1960s.

Site teams expect to receive communications from the web shortly after separation. The telescope will be detached from the missile vehicle after approximately 28 minutes Since then, the ground crew at the Space Telescope Science Institute in Baltimore, Maryland, will have full control over the launch of the most complex deployments ever attempted in a single spaceflight.

The telescope is named James Webb, an American officer, John F. Appointed by Kennedy, Served as an administrator at NASA from February 14, 1961 to October 7, 1968. Webb was the leader of the Apollo program in the late 1960s.

“Mankind is thinking about questions:Are we alone? What is life? Is life in other places like ours?? Phillips pointed out. Our study suggests, For the first time, we have the scientific knowledge and technical skills to begin to realistically search for answers to these questions.”.

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