Pokemon Legends: Arceus – Zero Punctuation
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There is a genre of anime called “Isekai” that some obese geek told me about while I was petting his mother, in which some regular dope is transported from contemporary reality into a fantasy world or video games where their usual contemporary stress makes them rare, special, and a hero to a group of kids who all want to spoil them. Wrong way in the bathroom loop. And he became oddly popular among cartoon geeks. Oh sorry, I misread that. It has become quite popular among anime geeks in recent years, although the genre dates back to 1889 with A Connecticut Yankee in King Arthur’s Court by Mark Twain. Which I’ve never eaten for a huge walnut, but there you are. I brought this up because Pokemon Legends: Arceus is basically a Pokemon like Isekai. It’s the one thing for all Pokemon fans who were worried that Pokemon Go had made the franchise marginally less embarrassing to talk about in adult conversations. The premise is, you’re a generic contemporary race identified as a Pokemon trainer who I think fell off the stage in Smash Brothers Brawl or something and wakes up in the old days of the Pokemon world when Pokemon training was just a thing.
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