Microsoft is offering this great retro game for free to Xbox

Microsoft offers to enjoy some free games every week With temporarily free game days, This Weekend’s Yakuza Remastered Collection, Yakuza Saga’s collection, which includes third, fourth and fifth installments of the franchise, as well as two other titles.

However, this is not the only thing that comes from Redmond from time to time, as we have seen on other occasions, from this moment on. Microsoft is offering a free retro game for the Xbox, We know thanks for being published by Solometro, And it will not be more or less than FEAR 3

Microsoft is offering this great retro game for free for Xbox 1

Microsoft is offering this great retro game for free to Xbox

As we can see in the related publication made by Chollometro, Get this free retro game for Xbox We have to do it either through a Mexican account or by changing our area. When this is done, we will search for the title and we will Download it absolutely free.

Get this game for free with Gold on Xbox for a limited time

Alma waits, a new level of horror arises when you and your cannibalistic brother fight your way through a hellish dream. Fight together to face Alma and find out if the blood is flowing deeper than fear or die alone. Players can take on the role of a genetically advanced soldier with point man, inhumane reflexes and the ability to handle time or immortal spirit. His brother, Paxton Fetlin, is a psychic entity with incredible psychic powers.

If you want Get FEAR 3 for freeDo it now without hesitation.

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