If you have already passed us, check out the new Free PS Plus Game: Trailer and Date First Class Issues

Humans and artificial objects in space travel, who is the traitor? The game debuts on the PS5 and PS4.

While playing and collaborating with friends is always fun, there is a singular charm in betraying them and ending them unexpectedly. This preface led to such topics Within us To become a social event. If your eyes light up when you hear about the InnerSlot game, be careful because you may be curious to know more about it First class problem.

Once shipped via PC, it will be released on PS5 and PS4 on November 2nd“First class problems A team game of social deception, Interacting with other players is an important aspect. Unfortunately, this means you can not trust anyone “, the authors of this video game commented after passing it Initial access to PC Como, Now confirming its arrival on the PlayStation 5 and PS4.

First class problem

With a futuristic setting reminiscent of the 1950s, but the first-class problem takes us on a holiday trip in which the staff, made up of man-like machines, revolted against those they were supposed to entertain. Now you know what it is: some soldiers are survivors and others are killers. The former must cooperate to pacify the distorted AI in Alidia’s courage.

Personalities, for their part, must prevent human beings from succeeding. “That is You have to lie, you have to cheat Finally, Throw in the ship To those annoying humans. There are some interesting peculiarities such as “residents need oxygen to survive”, but not so for the personoids, so the latter can ruin the ventilation systems to kill their competitors. They have details to give up: to move forward, it is necessary to use magnetic cards, but, frankly, they do not want to use them. The main thing is that everyone can see that they are carrying a card, so they can raise suspicions.

If you’re familiar with all of this and liked the trailer for the latest state of the game, First Class Triple will launch on PS5 and PlayStation 4 November 2.

More about: First class problem.

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