“I like to shoot in the knee.”
Although we do not know about Joseph Fars’ next plan, at least we know that there will be no NFTs in it.
Founder and creator of Hazelight Studios It takes two, Joseph Fares, Shared his thoughts on adding celebrities NFT In video games. Known for coming straight to the point, Fares said he would rather “be shot in the knee” than add non-funky tokens to his future plans.
We will never do thatJoseph FaresWhen this is a recent Interview, Fairs talked about this topic. He noted though What other companies thinkHe believes that video games are, first and foremost, a form Art, Then a business.
“Any decision you make in a game will change its design and force the player to pay or do something to stimulate this action. Too bad If you ask me, “Fees are answered.” If you ask a company’s CEO, I’m going to say stupid because companies have to make money. “
Force continued to talk, now about his opinion Games as a service. According to him, these topics are a constant problem in the industry because the practice of introducing video games is evolving. Incomplete. “We will never do that,” he noted. “We already have a problem with people not even finishing single player experiences, so why focus on re-enactment?”
In this way, It Takes Two was released this year as a big surprise, and more It was a great seller. The title was also very well received Sports Awards 2021, Awarded as the best sport of the year.
More about: It takes two, Hazelight Studios Y EA Original.
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