How The Prominent Nigerian Televangelist TB Joshua Died?

People thought that TB Joshua, a pastor from Nigeria, was one of the most influential evangelists in Africa.

The prophet was born to a poor family on June 12, 1963. He said he was in his mother’s womb for 15 months, which made him sound like a “miracle child.”

As a young man, he talked about seeing visions of heaven from God and said that he was “foretold” 100 years before.

In 1987, he started his own ministry called The Synagogue, Church of All Nations (SCOAN), which was inspired by one of these visions.

In the late 1990s, when he became famous, there were a lot of “miracle” shows on national TV that were done by pastors.

Since then, the ministry has said that it has cured all kinds of diseases, even HIV/AIDS.

People from all over the world came to Lagos, the largest city in Nigeria, to attend his weekly services.

Early life

Temisan Balogun Temitope A tribute to Joshua (ranar 12 ga watan Yuni shekara 1963 – 5 Yuni 2021): ya kasance fasto mai kwarjini a Najeriya, mai wa’azin telebijin, da kuma taimakon jama’a. The Synagogue, Church of All Nations (SCOAN), Wannan wata majami’ar kirista wacce ke kula da gidan talabijin na Emmanuel TV daga Legas. The population of the world has increased by a factor of a few billion in the last few years. This page was archived from the Wayback Machine on January 6, 2022.

T.B. Joshua has amassed a Facebook following of 3,550,000 people thanks to his preaching. You Tube sama da mutane miliyan 1,000,000 kuma ita ce hidimar kirista ta duniya da aka fi kallo a dandalin kafin a dakatar da ita a 2021, tashar shi ta YouTube, Emmanuel TV. For example, “Oprah na Ikklesiyoyin Bishara” could be translated as “Fast Food on YouTube.”

tb joshua cause of his death

Jami’in Kungiyar Tarayyar Tarayya (OFR) musamman ya karbi Nijeriya a shekara ta 2008 kuma gidan watsa labarai na Pan-Yoruba Irohin-Odua sun zae shi ‘an Yarbawan na shekaru goma, a ba T.B. Joshua lambar yabo I Pan-Africanist The Africa Report da New African Magazine a kira shi aya daga cikin mutane 50 da suka fi tasiri an Afirka.

According to Forbes (2011), T.B. Joshua is the richest man in the country of Najeriya. His fortune is estimated at $10 million.


There is always something on Emmanuel TV, from Christian teachings to SCOAN. Ayyukansa na Lahadi kai tsaye ana watsa. Afirka, Afirka, Joshua kuma ana watsa su a kowane mako a wasu gidajen telebijin. In 2015, DStv and GOtv will begin service, and in 2016, StarTimes and Fabrairu will launch, respectively. BBC reported that Joshua said, “Fitaccen may wa’azin data a Najeriya.”

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The phrase “Canza rayuka, sauya al’ummomi, canza duniya” was lifted from an Emmanuel TV show. In the book of Jude, we read: “Gidan rediyon kuma sanannu ne da jumlar kamarsa, ‘Nesa Ba Katanga Ba,’ masu karfafa gwiwa ga masu kallo su ‘yi sallah tare,’ tare da TB Joshua ta hanyar ‘taba allo.

Akwai maganganu da yawa na mutanen da ke samun ‘warkarwa’ ta hanyar mu’ujiza ta hanyar waannan addu’o’in, ciki har da mashahurin’yar fim in Nollywood Tonto Dikeh wacce ta ce addu’o’in Joshua sun are shan.

T.B. Joshua ya sami suna saboda rashin mai da hankali kan “Bishara ta wadata” kuma Emmanuel TV a san shi da ‘ayan channelsan tashoshin kirista wa’anda ba sa tara ku’i an iska.

Personal Life

T.B. Joshua’s church, the Synagogue Church of All Nations (SCOAN), announced the devastating news on a Sunday morning.

Prophet TB Joshua’s life of devotion and sacrifice for God’s kingdom will be remembered for eternity.

Prophet T. B. Joshua is a well-known Nigerian pastor, televangelist, and philanthropist who gained his fame through hosting healing and deliverance services.

Temitope Balogun Joshua was born on June 12th, 1963, in the Nigerian state of Ondo. The website for the Synagogue Church of All Nations claims that Joshua spent 15 months in his mother’s womb.

Although Joshua went to St. Stephen Anglican Primary School (Ikare-Akoko, Nigeria) from 1971 to 1977, he was only able to complete one year of secondary school. E skips his first year of high school to work on a chicken farm.

tb joshua cause of his death

The SCOAN website says that this person is known as a “little pastor” at school because of his or her familiarity with the Bible and ability to foresee events that will impact the local community.

During his stay at school, e was also the head of the school’s “Scripture Union.”

Tributes to the late Pastor T.B. Joshua, who passed away at age 57. Joshua founded the Synagogue Church of All Nations in 1987 with a small congregation, but it quickly grew to include tens of thousands of worshippers from all over the world. A lot of people in Africa and Latin America listen to Prophet TB Joshua.

TB Joshua’s Cause of Death

Sunday marked the passing of T.B. Joshua, the stage name of Nigerian televangelist Temitope Balogun Joshua, who was 57 years old.

Some of his followers say the preacher had advanced knowledge of his own impending death.

His hometown ruler, Oba Yisa Olanipekun, told reporters that the preacher had predicted his death in his final sermon.

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According to the Oba Yisa, who believes TB Joshua predicted his own death, “if you listen to his last preaching two days ago, you would realize that he already knew that he is ready to leave.”

On Sunday, June 6 at 2 a.m., the preacher passed away, and the circumstances surrounding his death remain unknown.

While authorities say the building collapsed because of structural defects, TB Joshua insisted the building was blown up by a small plane that he claimed flew over it shortly before it came down.

tb joshua cause of his death

SCOAN, the Synagogue Church of All Nations, confirmed his death on Facebook on June 6.

Time for everything—time to come here for prayer and time to return home after the service,” Joshua said during the Emmanuel TV Partners Meeting on June 5, 2021, according to a Facebook post from T.B. Joshua Ministries.

As was God’s decision, He has called His servant Prophet TB Joshua home. The last moments of his life were dedicated to worship. As the saying goes, “This is what he was conceived for, what he spent his life doing, and what he gave his life for.”

TB Joshua’s Net Worth

In 2009, T.B. Joshua launched a football team called “My People FC” as part of his outreach to young people. As for the 2009 FIFA U-17 World Cup, two members of the team, Sani Emmanuel and Ogenyi Onazi are on the Nigeria Golden Eaglets.

The Swedish national football team already has three players who are sponsored by foreign clubs in order to play at the highest level.

One Forbes writer in 2011 stated that Temitope Joshua was the third-wealthiest pastor in Nigeria, with an estimated net worth of $10 million to $15 million.

Among the notable people who have visited TB Joshua’s church are South African politician Julius Malema, former Malawian president Joyce Banda, Zimbabwean politician Morgan Tsvangirai, and late Ghanaian president John Atta Mills.

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Frequently Asked Questions

The popular televangelist died on Saturday night, his church confirmed in a statement. In the statement, the church said the last words of the prophet were: ‘Watch and pray. ‘ “As Prophet TB Joshua says, “The greatest way to use life is to spend it on something that will outlive it”.
Kindly share this story: Fire has destroyed the tomb shelter of the late founder of the Synagogue Church of All Nations, Prophet Temitope Joshua, in the Agoda area of Ikotun, Lagos State.
“As sons and daughters of love, we shall continually uphold the assurances of our Lord and Savior, Jesus Christ, who has conquered the world for our sakes.


Pastor TB Joshua was one of the most influential evangelists in Africa. He has amassed a Facebook following of 3,550,000 people thanks to his preaching. The population of the world has increased by a factor of a few billion in the last few years. The phrase “Canza yuka, sauna al’ummomi, can Duniya” was lifted from an Emmanuel TV show. In 2015, DStv and GOtv will begin service, and in 2016, StarTimes and Fabrairu will launch.

Pastor T.B. Joshua, the stage name of Nigerian televangelist Temitope Balogun Joshua, passed away Sunday. Joshua founded the Synagogue Church of All Nations in 1987 with a small congregation. Some of his followers say he predicted his own death in his final sermon.

The popular televangelist died on Saturday night, his church confirmed in a statement. TB Joshua’s last words were: ‘Watch and pray. The tomb shelter of the late founder of the Synagogue Church of All Nations, Prophet Temitope Joshua, was destroyed by fire.

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