Extraordinary challenge presented by NASA and rewarded with one million dollars for it | Chronicles

The NASA Offers a million dollars Anyone who can find a solution that works Food SpaceS on a long journey Tuesday. The long-standing challenge has left scientists confused as they try to combine ambitious multi-year work Pre-packaged foods Does not meet health requirements SpaceS.

Who can solve the problem of Deep space food challenge There will be a $ 1 million prize for innovative ideas in food production technologies. Entrants are expected to submit ideas that require tasty, consistent and minimal resources, but produce Waste as little as possible.

Notice on the website NASA Dice: “The first lunar missions will begin using pre-packaged food systems similar to those used at the International Space Station (ISS) today, but to extend the duration of lunar missions, we must reduce our reliance on redistribution on Earth until the food system is ready.” Is ready to support. A task Tuesday“.

In the first phase, designs were proposed ranging from growing plants and fungi to technologies that could produce edible foods such as bread and dehydrated powders that could be converted into food. Recommendations were also made for engraved foods such as farmed meat cells grown or produced by the crew on board.

A company, PHX, Printed pizza in 3D space, When the air company is trying to make one Space protein shake Feeding proteins and microorganisms to newly formed alcohols.

The NASA Encourages new and existing teams to enter the 2nd round of the competition. Teams entering this phase are asked to design, create and demonstrate prototypes that can be used in food production. A three-year mission.

Jim Reuters, The co-executive of the Space Technology Mission Directorate said: “Push the boundaries of food technology to keep future researchers healthy and help people here feed at home.”.

The NASA He said the solutions submitted as part of the competition could be used to support diets even in harsh environments such as the Arctic region.

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