Bill Murray catches heat due to epidemiological comments in a new interview
Bill Murray He is described as an old and out of touch man after we seemingly regretted the fact that we had to wear masks during this pandemic…we likened it to the fear of death. 🤔
The actor recently gave an interview to The Independent about his musical which was filmed in 2018 at the Acropolis of Athens, and while discussing…Bill & Co. Mention how it feels like looking into a time capsule given how comfortable he feels about others.
Bill Murray 🎙️: ‘We’re afraid to die and we’re afraid to be killed’
Independent March 19, 2022
With this in mind, the author says there’s nothing quite like an epidemic to put the kibosh into a spontaneous reaction — and right after, Bell was quoted as saying this… “We just went out with our friend to walk the dog, you’re wearing a mask, everyone’s wearing a mask.” And only the dog is completely alive!”
He adds, “He lives the life of the dog. The rest of us are afraid of death, they are afraid of killing, so we are masked and injected, etc. It’s the most challenging time in this life cycle we are.”
Bill Murray continues to prove that old white men really need to stop talking.
The dog is the only one “really alive” because he’s not wearing a mask? Really Bill? Do you think the shoes also mean we’re dead, Bill?– Seraphine Drake [Frac] (SeraphineDrake) March 19, 2022
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Finally, BM compares how we’ve handled the pandemic with how previous generations have handled global events, saying… “We haven’t had a world war or depression, the things our ancestors had. This is the hand we’ve been dealt with and if you pull back, you can’t of winning.”
He looks very mysterious on his face, but Twitter seems to know what Bill means here… and they’re tearing him up because of it, with many saying his comments are incredibly deaf.
Comedy icon Bill Murray and acclaimed cellist Jan Vogler talk about their new documentary New Worlds, life during a pandemic, and how they helped save a woman on the journey.
– The Daily Beast (@thedailybeast) February 2, 2022
@daily monster
Bill may be misunderstood on this issue, because he’s talked about COVID quite a bit over the past two years…and not once has he been upset with how the world has reacted to the virus. If anything, he was somewhat of an optimist and admirer.
One of the themes he’s come up with is that, perhaps, some good has come out of COVID… in that it has made this generation more resilient and ready to survive as in years past. However, it’s hard to know for sure what he’s getting from the doggy analogy…because it just doesn’t look great.
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