Apex Legends is releasing a trailer for next season’s “Leak” that includes an all new map

Surprisingly, we see the new legend of the trailer game, Ash and his abilities.

Axel Garcia / 3 comments

Next season Apex Legends, Now called “Fuka”, should be the best and freshest ever Cinema trailer Trying to thrill his fans with more than one surprise. Ash is the new legend and senior of Titanfall 2, Appears worthy in the video, but the most important thing to the community is, of course, a presentation New map.

The season premieres on November 2ndThe trailer starts out in a very fun setting, but as we get used to the chaos of this Battle Royale, everything changes to aesthetic Blood root, Courtesy of the massacre that Ash began to cause.

As for the map, we have to wait for the trailer with the next game October 25 Learn it completely, but we can point out that it is a forest and tropical area.

Apex Legends

Although we do not know in more detail Skills Ashin, the trailer gives us a brief overview – albeit in cinematic form – of what she is capable of in the title. This is not the only surprise, however, as we can find spiders in this new place, as well as one New weapon Called the CAR, the most powerful submachine gun.

Apex Legends Season 11 begins November 2 Also it will reach all the sites where the game is available. Let’s hope Ash doesn’t suffer The curse of the beholderThe character that was before her, and Respon Entertainment was not forced to play the character again.

Further: Apex Legends, Respon Entertainment And She.

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