A mysterious barrier blocks the entrance of cosmic rays to the center of the Milky Way
15 November 2021 07:59 GMT
One study suggests that the central molecular zone of our galaxy is a major source of cosmic rays, but at the same time prevents space particles from coming from outside.
Experts from the Chinese Academy of Sciences have discovered a previously unknown barrier around the center of our galaxy.
The researchers found that Density of cosmic rays Most common in areas around the center of the Milky Way, In the central molecular zone (CMZ), density Drastically decreases, Reports New Scientist.
“If there is no barrier, the ocean of cosmic rays must be in the central molecular zone,” Xiaohuan Huang, the study’s lead researcher, was quoted as saying by the media. “However, the data show that the opposite is true That something should be bannedHe added.
The central molecular zone is the main source of cosmic rays. However, research suggests that it may also act as a barrier to the entry of space particles from the outside.
Most cosmic rays are charged particles, which means that a very strong magnetic field can deflect them.
“It is possible to be in CMZ Magnetic fields Stronger than the outside Can prevent cosmic rays from entering the central molecular zone“Huang said.” In addition, the process may be affected by solar wind Massive black hole Sagittarius A *, Which also helps to prevent particles from entering the CMZ.
The newly discovered phenomenon bears some resemblance to supernovae and protons in black holes. Currently, many scientists believe that the center of the Milky Way contains a vast black hole, which explains why the protons of this barrier and dead stars have similar properties.
The Study It was published in the journal Nature Communications last week.
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