9 games that do not stop improving over time are now highly recommended

Blunt releases, or lots of new content, made these games work better over time.

9 games that do not stop improving over time are now highly recommended

There is a release of new games on the market One of the moments of celebration In the video game industry, if the game is released it will also become a play Premature or pulling problems will come. A few days ago, CD Projekt RED He was optimistic about the next gen version of Cyberpunk 2077 And the company, goes a little bit Regaining the trust of the people After working on many links and upgrades.

They all received tireless work through their studiesUnfortunately, for example Cyberpunk 2077 This is not the only thing we have experienced in this style, many games have reached the market with hard startups, lack of content or in short, a lot of work. It means death to some, while others are behind Constant work of his study Make them as they promise.

Today we wanted to collect 9 games that have done wonders over time. Not all of them had bad startups, in some cases, they had to improve in some areas, but they all experienced improvement over the years, which led to them becoming very different games from what we first encountered. In days.


Warframe Warframe came in 2013, which was a bit more than just a network of corridors with a terrible interface and a bad technical section, it was an evolution from the old digital intensive project. However, the game did not stop developing in all aspects and has become one of the best free-to-play programs of all time.

Street Fighter Vs.

Street Fighter Vs. Despite the fact that the game is built on a flawless play center, a hasty startup had to deal with small single-player content, a limited list of characters and a very erratic online. Since then, the game has not stopped adding content, issues with new characters and multiplayer have been resolved, making it a very solid fighting game for us.


Rule Bungee’s science fiction filmmaker landed in 2014 with a thunderous marketing campaign. The new game from the creators of Hollow contained a spectacular universe and well-polished gameplay, however, blaming the lack of content, the story felt different and superficial. Over the years and after new expansions, the title turned out to be the best game it had ever been promised.

Hollow: The Master Chief Collection

Hollow: The Master Chief Collection The Master Chief epic was released in 2014 for the Xbox One, which was a celebration of one of the industry’s most important owners, however, many issues with its multiplayer were able to obscure the release. But 343 Industries has not stopped working on new content, 4K resolutions, 120 FPS and standard online title enhancement, which is essential for the genre.

Grand Theft Auto Vs.

Grand Theft Auto Vs. Although Grand Theft Auto V came to market with a great story and a piece of technology that was spoiled to the last, GDA Online has been much improved over the years. Rockstar does not stop adding new free content with updates, new trips with different game modes, vehicles and all kinds of accessories. A constantly evolving game that broke all records.

Final Fantasy XIV

Final Fantasy XIV It’s hard to remember its launch as one of the best and most successful MMORPGs on the market today. The release of Final Fantasy XIV a decade ago was so low and faced so many problems that Square Enix undertook a full reboot of its game, nicknamed A Realm Reborn. Since then, the game has not stopped growing in content and quality.

Diablo iii

Diablo iii Diablo III in its early days faced server problems, unsatisfactory piracy management and a very spotty release with a truly controversial auction house. Blizzard did not stop working to improve their game, but drastic changes came from the Reaper of Souls with adventure mode, new classes, new action, auction elimination and better robbery system.

No Man's Sky

No Man’s Sky No Man’s Sky may have been one of the worst cases in recent years to be released in a hurry and failed to live up to expectations. The game came as a shadow of what Hello Games promised. The studio received a barrage of reviews, but without giving up, they worked until new content and the advent of real online mode made the game a more enjoyable experience.

Star Wars: Battlefield 2

Star Wars: Battlefield 2 The long-awaited DICE and EA titles hit the market on the wrong foot and are surrounded by the worst microbayment controversies in the industry. However, the game was able to overcome the rejection it initially faced, and thanks to the incredible variety of playable variants and added all the images of ownership, convinced the players with the biggest diversion in terms of improvement system and monetization.

More about: Games, Cyberpunk 2077, Rule Y GTA V.

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